Reports are the primary means to disseminate results of analyses outside the Equinox environment. The Reporting App is the primary means of generating reports.
Report Types
There are several different types of reports:
a specification of a set of input data
the performance of some desired operation / calculations and finally
where applicable, the storage of the output
Working with visual data may also lead to graphical reports. More complex reports will involve composite workflows and storage of results which may lead to specifications of risk profile assessment for an entity, optimization options etc.
Creating useful outcomes / reports is linked to specific use cases. Still under construction
Results cannot be created except through run a model workflow.
Grouped Results
The Grouped Results List provides an overview of all available result groups. Results groups are typically (but not necessarily) created by Playbooks. In case they are the result of Playbook parametric surveys the Actions include tabular and graphical comparisons of the different results
Reporting Views
- reporting.views.contractor_nuts3_map(request)
- reporting.views.credit_portfolio_stats_view(request, pk)
Generate aggregate statistics about the portfolio.
- reporting.views.ghg_reduction(request)
- reporting.views.gpc_report(request)
- reporting.views.gpp_report(request)
- reporting.views.manager_nuts3_map(request)
- reporting.views.pcaf_mortgage_report(request)
- reporting.views.portfolio_aggregates(request)
Create a custom aggregation report on the basis of form input fields Aggregation Function to Apply Field to Aggregate
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- reporting.views.portfolio_overview(request)
- reporting.views.portfolio_stats_view(request)
Generate aggregate statistics about the total portfolio.
year country sector contracts currency value_total
- reporting.views.portfolio_summary(request, pk)
Display an individual portfolio.Portfolio. Fetch additional data associated with the portfolio Invoke function to Compute Portfolio statistics - Total number of rows - Total exposure - Average rating etc.
An instance of portfolio.Portfolio.
- reporting.views.project_nuts3_map(request)
- reporting.views.results_view(request, pk)
- reporting.views.scope_2_report(request)
- reporting.views.visualization_country(request)
Visualization - Country View
- reporting.views.visualization_grid(request)
Visualization - Country-Sector Grid View
- reporting.views.visualization_sector(request)
Visualization - Sector View
- reporting.views.visualization_vega(request, pk)
Reporting Management Commands