The Policy App is the primary contained and functionality of portfolio Policy timeseries information.
Policy Views
- class policy.views.DSHistogramView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_histogram'
- class policy.views.DSInteractiveView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_interactive'
- class policy.views.DSMetricsView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_metrics'
- class policy.views.DSPlotView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_plot'
- class policy.views.DataFlowCategoriesView(**kwargs)
Retrieve all dataflow objects and construct content description text. Useful for help displays
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Get the context for this view.
- model
alias of
- template_name_suffix = '_categories'
- class policy.views.DataFlowCountryAggregateView(**kwargs)
2g Dataflow Country Aggregate View (Display Only Top Level Aggregate Groupings within Dataflow)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_country_aggregate'
- class policy.views.DataFlowCountryView(**kwargs)
2f Dataflow Country View (Display Regional Groupings within Dataflow)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_country'
- class policy.views.DataFlowDimensionsView(**kwargs)
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'name'
- template_name_suffix = '_dimensions'
- class policy.views.DataFlowFilterView(**kwargs)
2e Dataflow Filter View (Filtering the DS of a Dataflow using some filter e.g. color) The view passes all filtered DF JSON dataseries to the template
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- get_object()
Return the object the view is displaying.
Require self.queryset and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf. Subclasses can override this to return any object.
- model
alias of
- template_name_suffix = '_filter'
- class policy.views.DataFlowGeoSliceView(**kwargs)
2c Dataflow Geo Slice View (For GEO tagged DF’s produce a slice for graphing)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'name'
- template_name_suffix = '_geoslice'
- class policy.views.DataFlowListView(**kwargs)
2a Dataflow Detail View (List of All Data Series) class DataFlowView(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- get_object()
Return the object the view is displaying.
Require self.queryset and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf. Subclasses can override this to return any object.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_detail'
- class policy.views.DataFlowSliceView(**kwargs)
2d Dataflow Slice View (Slicing a Dataflow along some Dataflow Dimension) class DataFlowView(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView) The view passes all the DF JSON dataseries list to the template to be sliced there
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_slice'
- class policy.views.DataSeriesListView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Get the context for this view.
- get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)
Return the list of items for this view.
The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of QuerySet in which case QuerySet specific behavior will be enabled.
- model
alias of
- template_name_suffix = '_list'
- class policy.views.DataSeriesView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_table'
- class policy.views.GSListView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_detail'
- class policy.views.GSMapView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Insert the single object into the context dict.
- model
alias of
- slug_field = 'identifier'
- template_name_suffix = '_map'
- class policy.views.PolicyOverview(**kwargs)
Retrieve all dataflow objects and construct content description text for help display
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Get the context for this view.
- model
alias of
- template_name = 'policy/policy_overview.html'
- class policy.views.Statistics(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Get the context for this view.
- model
alias of
- template_name = 'policy/statistics.html'
- class policy.views.StatsCountryCorrelationView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Get the context for this view.
- model
alias of
- template_name = 'policy/statistics_correlation.html'
- class policy.views.StatsCountryHistogramView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Get the context for this view.
- model
alias of
- template_name = 'policy/statistics_histogram.html'
- class policy.views.StatsCountryTableView(**kwargs)
- get_context_data(**kwargs)
Get the context for this view.
- model
alias of
- template_name = 'policy/statistics_table.html'
Policy Management Commands