You can install and use the Equinox platform in any computing system that either directly supports a Python environment or does so indirectly (via Docker). Here you can find alternative ways to install Equinox.
Installation via Docker
Installation via docker is recommended as a long term production option as it provides a streamlined and fast setup of an equinox instance. If you do not want to use docker scroll further down for Manual installation from sources
Step 1: Install Docker
A working Docker installation is required! Docker is available for many operating systems and platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, running on Intel/AMD or ARM chipsets among others). Follow the installation instructions here.
Once the docker installation is complete, make sure the docker service is running by testing that you can run a docker ‘hello-world’ application.
sudo service docker start
sudo docker run hello-world
Now we are ready for the next step. You can either pull an image from our Docker Hub account or build a local docker image from the source code:
Step 2: Pull the equinox image from Docker Hub
You can pull and run the latest image from Docker Hub (This method is recommended if you do not want to work with the source distribution).
The latest image is circa 1.5GB
We are also providing images also for the ARM/v7 architecture (Raspberry Pi). Check the root of our docker hub for what is currently available
Start by issuing a docker pull command:
docker pull openrisk/equinox:latest
docker run -p 8001:8080 openrisk/equinox:latest
If all went well you now have a running instance of equinox in your local machine. Access it by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8001
and login with admin/admin credentials.
The Equinox API endpoints are accessible at http://localhost:8001/api
If you want to work with a different image check what is available at our docker hub list
Step 2 (Alternative Path): Building a local docker image
Alternatively you can build your own local docker image of the equinox platform. After you fetch the distribution from the github repository (as per manual installation instructions below), in the root directory of the distribution issue the following commands:
cd equinox
docker build -t equinox_web:latest .
docker run -p 8001:8080 equinox_web:latest
Again, access the running instance of equinox by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8001
and login with the default admin/admin credentials
Manual installation from sources
The manual installation path is recommended if you want to use the latest release, dig into and inspect the equinox code base and/or if you want to contribute to equinox development.
Step 1: Download the github sources to your preferred directory
For this step you need to have git installed in your system.
git clone
cd equinox
Step 2: Create a virtualenv for Python >= 3.10.
It is advisable to run the equinox platform via a Python virtualenv so as not to interfere with your system’s own Python distribution.
If you do not have Python 3.10 please install it first into your system (either as a replacement of your previous 3.X version or as an alternative).
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
Step 3: Install the required python dependencies
The core dependency of Equinox is Django (and its own dependencies). In addition Equinox uses the Jazzmin skin as the admin interface and various Python libraries such as Numpy and Pandas are also required for calculations. You install all dependencies issuing the following:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Step 4: Install the required system-wide dependencies
Equinox supports working with geospatial data and this requires specific C/C++ libraries that must be installed system-wide.
The default Equinox project is setup to use sqlite3 (spatialite). On a linux system with apt installed issue the following:
In other Linux distributions replace apt with your package manager
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \
gdal-bin \
libgdal-dev \
The above are geospatial C/C++ libraries that are installed system-wide (not in the isolated virtualenv we created above). If you don not want to modify the host system on which you install equinox you should go down the Docker route describe in the previous installation paths.
To use postgres/postgis as a backend, install first the following at the system level (assuming here the 14 version of postgres):
sudo apt-get libpq-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo apt-get install python3-psycopg2
sudo apt install postgresql-14-postgis-scripts
sudo apt install postgresql-plpython3-14
Subsequently setup the appropriate user / databases as follows (names are indicative):
CREATE USER equinoxuser WITH PASSWORD 'equinoxuser';
ALTER ROLE equinoxuser SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE equinoxuser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE equinoxuser SET timezone TO 'UTC';
Modify the database configuration section of the file
# 'default': {
# "ENGINE": "django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite",
# 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
# }
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
'NAME': 'equinox',
'USER': 'equinoxuser',
'PASSWORD': 'equinoxuser',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '5433',
Step 5: Make the required Django migrations
This step will ensure the database has the right tables. Issue the following command lines:
cd equinox
python check
python makemigrations
python migrate
Step 6: Create a superuser.
In the next step we create an Equinox superuser (administrator).
Suggestion: Use admin/admin as temporary login/password. A reminder that this instance of Equinox should NOT be used for production!
Step 7: Collect static files
The next step ensures that the Equinox user interface will render properly
python3 collectstatic --no-input
Step 8: Run the Equinox server
We are now ready to launch the Equinox web server. The default port is 8000 but if (by any chance) this port is already used in your computer there will be another assigned. Be sure to note the assigned port and use it instead.
python3 runserver
Step 9: Login with your browser
Finally!, in your favorite browser, enter the url http://localhost:8000
and login with the admin/admin credentials (or any other credentials you used in step 6 above.
8000 is the default port, if that is already in use, you can select an alternative one as follows:
python3 runserver localhost:8081
The above steps are typical Django project installation steps. If you experience an issue that appears to be generic Django trouble at any point, the Django online FAQ should help you out.
The Equinox project uses an sqlite3 database for good reason! If things go pear-shaped with your database simply remove the sqlite file and start again.
The current User Interface (UI) of equinox is desktop oriented and might not work properly in smaller (mobile) screens. Mobile clients are in the roadmap for future development.
We welcome your feedback and support. Please raise a github ticket if you want to report a bug or need a new feature.
For contributions check our Contribution and Code of Conduct docs.
Setup (Initialization)
The basic installation of equinox creates an empty database. If you want to initialize the database with some indicative data follow the steps below:
Creating the database
Create Project categories
Create GPC Sector categories
Load various fixtures with model data
Load an emissions factor csv file into equinox
Let us insert some dummy data (optional). Without this the database will be completely empty.